Destroy Your Competition With Social Media Marketing in 2022

Consumers buy from companies they follow on social media. This led to a large explosion in demand for digital marketing…...
Destroy Your Competition With Social Media Marketing in 2022
January 22, 2022

Since 2020, with the pandemic, companies have basically been forced to take digital marketing seriously. Lots of companies couldn’t rely on foot traffic anymore to generate revenue because of the lockdowns and social distancing. This has caused many companies to shift their focus towards digital marketing and social media marketing in 2022 in order to reach more consumers.

Sprout Social’s 2021 Index revealed that 9 out of 10 consumers will buy from companies they follow on social media. This led to a large explosion in demand for digital marketing and social media is one of the most effective channels for businesses to utilize.

Our competition is anticipated to increase, as consumers’ desire to utilize this marketing approach when making purchasing decisions increases. You can expect social media to get even more competitive in the next year. As businesses improve their social media marketing and become increasingly competitive, you’ll have to compete for attention harder than previously.

Here are some suggestions to level the playing field when there’s a lot of competition.

Respond to comments in a timely manner

Timing is everything, especially on social media. Users expect companies to respond quickly and relevant to their comments. Your focus for social media marketing in 2022 should be that it is an interactive medium, not a broadcast one like traditional advertising. Social media users expect conversations—not lectures (unless they ask for it). When users are engaging with your brand, you need to be responsive and answer all questions and comments in a timely fashion.

No one likes to wait for a response, so it’s important to respond as quickly as possible. Social media is all about being social and you need to take this into account when responding to your audience.

Create content that people actually want to read or watch

Destroy Your Competition With Social Media Marketing in 2022As you go about creating your content for your social media marketing in 2022, remember that it needs to be engaging and you need to know your audience. Social media users are looking for informative, entertaining, interesting content. People want their feeds filled with relevant content that isn’t just trying to sell them something—and you can make this happen by knowing who your customers are and what they want!

So how do you establish what your customers want? Social listening is key to this. Social listening involves utilizing social media monitoring and analytics tools to understand what your customers are talking about online. This will help you create content that people actually want, instead of just content that’s trying to sell them something or get them to do something—which they’d be much more likely to ignore.

Understanding exactly what your audience wants and needs is going to separate you from all of your competition in your industry.

Measure the engagement of different pieces of content

See which pieces of content are getting the most engagement and you’ll be able to understand what your audience likes and wants. This data is going to be crucial in helping you create more of this type of content in the future (in your social media marketing in 2022 and beyond). Social media marketing in 2022 is all about establishing relationships with your users and knowing what they want or need, so take advantage of that!

Knowing which pieces of content are performing the best will help you create more posts that get people to engage with your brand.

Knowing what your potential customers want and need is going to differentiate you from all these brands and other brands that are just churning out content for the sake of highlighting their products, their services, and their own brands. A good way to measure this is by looking at different content pieces and seeing which one gets the most engagement. Whether it’s the format, the message type itself, the content type, whether it’s video or text, it’s always good to see what stands out and gets more engagement.

As you discover the types of content that tend to perform well, just do more of them. But here’s the thing that no one really talks about in marketing. For the ones that don’t do well, don’t do them again. Every once in a while, whether it’s a few times a year, or once a quarter, test them out again because trends change and people may like them again. And then if you do that, you’ll keep staying ahead of the curve and you’ll start doing better.

Showcase your brand in a way that solves problems for your customers

By showing how you solve problems for your customers, you can highlight different ways that users can use your brand. Social media is all about relationships and these kinds of posts are going to make people feel like they’re part of a community.

Show them things that they might not know before, share user stories—it’s always good to show off how you’re helping people and solving their problems. Social media marketing in 2022 requires a bit of storytelling, which is why if you provide these types of posts that are very emotive—that show your brand in a way that solves problems for customers, they’re going to feel more engaged with your brand because it shows them what you can do for them.

They might not have known about the problems and/or solutions beforehand, but you’re highlighting the value of your brand in a way that is beneficial for them.

Incorporate video into your social media marketing strategy in 2022

Destroy Your Competition With Social Media Marketing in 2022TikTok and Instagram Reels have been huge and now it’s only going to continue growing. Social media is all about showing off stories, so if you can show off those pieces of video with even just a short 15-second clip, showcasing the value of your brand will help establish relationships with users and make them feel like they’re part of your community.

Video is something that has become more popular over the past couple of years as video is extremely engaging. By creating videos, you’ll be able to reach your audience in a new way. This shows that you are credible, trustworthy, and that you understand exactly what your audience wants and needs. Most people would much rather watch a video than read a lot of text.

TikTok and Instagram Reels have had a huge impact on social media in the past couple of years, so for your strategy on social media marketing in 2022, we can only assume that this trend is only going to continue increasing.

Need help with your social media marketing strategy in 2022?

This will all help you do better with your social media marketing in 2022. Now, if you need help with your social media marketing in 2022, drop a comment below or reach out to me so that we can work one-on-one on your marketing strategy.

*Please note that some links on this page may be affiliate links. I may receive a small commission when you purchase anything from these links.

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