What’s The Difference Between SEO Content vs Conversion-optimized Content?

To answer this question, we first need to consider the main purpose of good content. Is the content that you're…...
What's the difference between SEO content vs conversion-optimized content?
January 15, 2022

To answer the question “What’s the difference between SEO content vs conversion-optimized content?”, we first need to consider the main purpose of good content.

Is the content that you’re creating primarily for ranking your website on the search engines? Is the content engaging enough to get your visitors to convert? Or are you trying to do both?

So what’s the difference between SEO content vs Conversion-optimized content?

SEO content is primarily about creating articles, blog posts, press releases, or videos that are full of keywords. The goal of this type of content is to get people to find your website when they search for specific phrases.

Conversion-optimized content, on the other hand, is about creating valuable content that encourages people to take specific actions you’ve laid out.

The most important difference between SEO content vs Conversion-optimized content is the goal itself. If your main purpose for writing great content is so that search engines will rank you higher, then it’s all about keywords. But if your goal is to get more conversions, then that content has to speak directly to the people who might want what you have to offer.

SEO content is about keywords, conversion content is about sales.

So, when it comes down to the basics of SEO content vs conversion-optimized content, SEO content is about keywords while conversion-optimized content is about emotions.

Why are emotions so important? Because people take action based on their feelings much more often than they do when making logical decisions.

The way you communicate with your readers determines whether they’ll take action, so always keep this in mind when creating content. Ask yourself what emotions you want people to feel when they read your writing? Once you’ve answered that question, put the feelings into words and use them as much as possible throughout your article or blog post.

If you want people to feel informed, you might start off your article with a fact that relates to the topic. If you’re writing about exercise, for example, including an interesting statistic like “Most people who begin exercising drop out after only six months” could spark the reader’s interest.

If you’d like people to feel inspired or encouraged, describe how other people have made progress in your subject area. For example, maybe you’re writing about weight loss and you want to encourage people to take action. You could include a quote from someone who has lost weight and kept it off for years.

If you want people to feel like they know what they’re getting into before taking action, then provide information that is clear and easy to understand. You might answer some of the most commonly asked questions in your subject area, or describe how things work with as much detail as necessary.

Steps to ensure that you have a solid SEO foundation before optimizing your content

seo content vs conversion-optimized contentIn order for people to find you when they search, there are a few things that should always be included in your articles. These include:

  • A headline that’s keyword-rich
  • The main topic of the article in the very first paragraph
  • Related keywords sprinkled throughout your article (try to avoid stuffing them into every possible nook and cranny)
  • Any necessary subheads or sections so that people can scan down through your content quickly
  • Images with keywords in the alt tags
  • Over 600 words of content
  • Include the focus keyword in the SEO meta settings (title, URL, and meta description)

When you’re structuring your content for SEO, make sure that your headline, first paragraph, and keywords are included in the tags. If you’re using WordPress, make sure to install the RankMath, my favorite WordPress SEO plugin that helps quickly optimize your content.

Which is more important to focus on? SEO content vs conversion-optimized content?

So of the 2 (SEO content vs conversion-optimized content), which is more important to focus on?

It depends on your business and marketing strategy. You should always focus on conversions, but if you have to choose between SEO content vs conversion-optimized content, think about your strategy.

If you plan on spending money on paid advertising to generate traffic, then you may not necessarily be too concerned about your SEO efforts and you should focus primarily on conversion-focused content.

Alternatively, if you plan on creating content that’s useful and includes keywords to be indexed by Google, then your primary focus should be on SEO.

On the other hand, if you plan on using both paid ads and content marketing to generate sales, then you’ll need a solid balance of both SEO and conversion-optimized content.

If you plan on doing both, it would be ideal to set your homepage and landing pages up for conversions first with a light touch of SEO to ensure that the page ranks for at least your brand name. Then, blog posts should be optimized for SEO first with a light touch of conversion optimization to ensure that the goal of the site is being achieved.

Blog posts are a great way to draw in traffic utilizing a vast array of keywords that perhaps your homepage, about page, or product/service pages miss out on. By setting up your primary pages for conversions first and blog posts for SEO, you’ll be set up with a great opportunity for you to fill in the gaps of both of these strategies (SEO content vs conversion-optimized content).

To make sure your content is successful at achieving both goals, be sure that you include clear CTAs and use language that refers back to those CTAs throughout the piece. Remember, Google is looking for websites that provide a great user experience and will send people to sites that will answer their questions.

Is it possible to rank both SEO content AND conversion-optimized content?

What's the difference between SEO content vs conversion-optimized content?Absolutely! If you’re caught up between SEO content vs conversion-optimized content, you can always work on both. But the trick is to not get so caught up in keyword research for your SEO efforts that you forget why you want people to come to your website: because you want them to sign up or make a purchase.

If the only reason people visit your website is so that you can rank well in Google, then there’s a good chance they won’t stick around long enough to make a purchase. Alternatively, if you don’t optimize for SEO, your conversion-optimized content will fall on deaf ears; because Google won’t be able to find it.

The trick is to strike a balance between the two approaches. Follow all of the SEO “rules” for ranking well in search engines, but always keep your audience in mind as you write or create content. If what people are reading doesn’t fit within the context of their needs, they probably won’t continue reading.

The bottom line is that people will take action when they’re inspired, informed, and/or encouraged – both through your content and through your sales and marketing efforts. So make sure you’re covering all the right bases with the content you create for your website or blog.

If you still need help and have questions about SEO content vs conversion-optimized content, drop a comment below or reach out to me so that we can work one-on-one on your website together. I’m an expert in the field and would love to help you reach your conversion or ranking goals!

*Please note that some links on this page may be affiliate links. I may receive a small commission when you purchase anything from these links.

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