How To Streamline Your Website To Make More Sales

Conversion rates are the percentage of people who click on a website's call to action and then do what you…...
How To Streamline Your Website To Make More Sales
January 12, 2022

Conversion rates are the percentage of people who click on a website’s call to action and then do what you want them to. One of the primary objectives of any website is to encourage visitors to perform a desired activity, such as making a purchase, scheduling an appointment, or downloading a freebie. These conversions are what help you create leads, convert visitors to customers, and improve your revenue by showing you how to streamline your website to make more sales.

In fact, improving the conversion rate on a website can have a significant impact on your bottom line. Yet many companies overlook the importance of improving their conversion rates to maximize profits.

Despite the fact that a website is a major source of business for almost every business, many companies simply don’t pay enough attention to it.

Here’s how to streamline your website to make more sales:

  1. Eliminate distractions that make your customer leave your site
  2. Increase the website speed
  3. Build trust & credibility
  4. Don’t use stock photos/videos
  5. Focus on benefits and value justification
  6. Make it easy for your customer to find what they need when they need it
  7. Have clear and direct call-to-actions.

Eliminate distractions that make your customer leave your site

It doesn’t matter how well-written your copy is, or how beautifully designed your website is if visitors aren’t sticking around to read it.

One of the biggest reasons why your customers leave without making a purchase is because you have too many distractions on your website.

When a visitor comes to your site, they have a specific goal in mind (finding out about your product, signing up for an offer, or making a purchase).

However, you’re not making it easy for them to complete their task because they’re distracted by other options.

If there are too many choices on your website (such as offers, videos, and different types of buttons), visitors will become overwhelmed and leave without doing what you want them to do.

Instead of bombarding your customers with lots of information options, streamline your website to make it easier for them to find what they need when they need it. Keep distractions at bay so that customers can easily stick around long enough to read the copy on your site–and take the action that you want them to take.

Increase the website speed

Your website speed is directly related to how long visitors will stick around. After all, if your pages load slowly, it doesn’t matter what you say in your copy. Visitors won’t be sticking around long enough to read it.

How to streamline your website loading time:

  • Minimize the number of graphics on each page.
  • Minimize or eliminate large files with lots of colors or animation.
  • Remove any unused plugins or code, as they may be contributing to the growth of your application’s code (too much code will slow down a site).
  • Optimize images so that they’re not too big. Reduce server requests.
  • Bundle JavaScript code.
  • Split up CSS code Simplify style sheets.
  • Combine external scripts.
  • Add expires headers to static resources.
  • Serve scaled images.
  • Remove query strings from static resources.
  • Build gzip into your .htaccess file.
  • Utilize browser caching.

You can test the speed of your website using tools like Pingdom or GTMetrix. Try to keep your website loading under 3 seconds for the best results.

Build trust and credibility

As a small business owner, you already know the importance of building trust and credibility with your customers. And it’s equally important that you build this same level of trust and credibility on your website. After all, if your visitors don’t trust you, they’re not going to buy from you–no matter how great your copy is!

One way to improve trust and credibility on your site is to include social proof in one form or another: an abundance of customer reviews (especially positive ones), lots of testimonials, product ratings, etc. By showing off what other people have said about working with you, potential clients will feel more at ease when deciding whether or not to move forward with their purchase.

Don’t use stock photos/videos

One of the most popular features on websites these days is stock photography. And that’s not a bad thing…as long as your customers don’t get distracted by it.

Visitors will stick around on your site longer if they’re intrigued by the images. However, you need to be careful about the type of photo you choose–and how often you use it.

If your website looks like everyone else’s (in other words, if all of your images are generic stock photos), visitors will leave because nothing stands out on your site to make you unique. They’ll assume there’s nothing new to discover, and go somewhere else instead!

On the flip side, if everything on your site looks too unique (like you’re using a bunch of different photos and videos taken by a professional), visitors will be distracted from what’s really important.

Remember, the goal is to show you how to streamline your website so that visitors can easily find what they need when they need it. Don’t lose their attention–or interest!–with too many distracting elements.

Focus on benefits and value justification

When you visit a website, what do you look for? You probably want to know how the product or service being sold will benefit you. But instead of explaining this in your sales copy, many business owners spend an inordinate amount of time talking about product features. And guess what–most people don’t care about features! They care about getting the job done–and they want to make sure that their purchase has everything they need to succeed.

Focus your message on benefits and value justification by switching the verbiage of your site from “We” to “You.” Instead of saying “Our products provide an easy-to-navigate interface,” say, “You’ll find our interface so easy to navigate.”

Instead of saying “We offer a clean and simple design,” say, “Your visitors will love the clean and simple design we offer.”

The unfortunate truth is that people don’t care about you or your product. They only care about what they can get out of it! Instead of talking about features, showcasing the benefits will be an easy way to learn how to streamline your website.

Have clear and direct call-to-actions.

There’s nothing worse than spending time on a website that has no clear call to action. Sure, there may be buttons plastered everywhere–and not just any old buttons: large login buttons, sign up/upgrade buttons, etc.–but people won’t take the steps to click them if they’re not sure what they’re supposed to do. This tip for how to streamline your website is probably one of the most important ones.

Make it completely clear what you want people to do when they visit your site by adding a prominent call-to-action that focuses on one specific action or goal (like purchasing, signing up for an email list, etc.). If your website visitors see exactly what you want them to do next, they’ll be much more likely to take the appropriate step.

Use clickable links instead of just using words like “click here.”

There’s nothing wrong with describing where you want people to go–as long as you use clickable links along with those words!

So instead of saying “Click here to sign up for our email list,” say, “Sign up for our email list today!”

Visitors won’t spend any time clicking around on your site if they’re not sure what each button does! Keep it clear, direct, and ensure that the call-to-actions make sense for your customers.

How To Streamline Your Website To Make More Sales Summary:

If you’re stuck on learning how to streamline your website to make more sales, try these tips to keep your website streamlined and free of distractions.

All this simplifying will help you improve your conversion rates, so you can start making more money.

For now, it may be helpful for you to print out the article “How To Streamline Your Website To Make More Sales” and read through it several times. You will begin to internalize the information as well as come up with ideas on how to streamline your website in relation to selling your product or service.

I hope that what has been presented to you has been helpful. If so please spread the word about streamlining your website to make more sales by clicking any of the social share buttons here in this post.

Always remember that knowledge can be passed down but wisdom is gained through experience so keep learning and don’t forget to have fun doing whatever makes YOU happy! And as always if you have any questions or just want to say hey, drop a comment below or reach out to me so that we can work one-on-one to make your website work better for you!

*Please note that some links on this page may be affiliate links. I may receive a small commission when you purchase anything from these links.

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